Landscape Contracting
Whatever your requirements, we can supply a turnkey solution to create a true landscape contracting service. Typical services we offer include:
- earth moving - from a few cubic metres of material to 100,000 cubic metres plus
- grading and forming of soils for vista and amenity improvements
- soil preparation for beds or tree planting
- preparation of soil for grass seeding and turfing - all areas covered up to large acreages
- grass seeding and turfing
- stone clearing / stone picking
- sports field construction, renovation and improvement
- wildflower meadow creation
- stream and river bank revetting
- rewilding works
Machinery available:
- Tractors up to 200hp
- Telehandlers
- Harley box rakes
- Harley screener - tractor drawn with interchangable mesh sizes
- Stoneburiers
- Blec seeders
- Power harrows 1.2-3m wide with packers
- Airavators
- Excavators available 5-14t
- Slitters, trailers, spinners etc
- Dump trailers
- Laser graders for lawns and golf courses